1. Grey's Anatomy Season 7
In Production
Website : http://abc.go.com/shows/greys-anatomy
Back on ABC on the 6th January 2011 Episode 7.11
2. Indian Summer.. Kevin is attached
Website : http://indiansummerfilm.com/
The film is due to shoot spring/summer 2011 in Scotland.
3. Brave (originally Bear and the Bow) Pixar 3D (Voice)
In Production
Kevin has more recording sessions coming up
release currently set for : 15 June 2012
4. The Great Ghost Rescue
Post Production
Website : http://thegreatghostrescue.com/
Release currently set for : 2011
5. Bunraku
Release currently set for : 2011
Other projects in development which Kevin is attached to...
1. Rome Movie
new draft currently in the works
2. Faith
3. Bank Robber Diaries
4. Cone Gatherers
5. Attached to a project with Ewan McGregor about Mallory's ascent of Mt Everest
6. Currently no updates re the second Percy Jackson Movie
*****Kevin is no longer attached to, Cat Walk
updates have been confirmed by Kevin McKidd ~ see Kevin's Space for full details
(Subject to change)