The highlight of your day has arrived! It's another round of voting for the E! Online's annual Tater Tops Awards. And this time it's all about the "awww," the "ewww," and the "arghhh," couples of the TV season.
For every Chandler and Monica, there's Joey and Rachel. Meaning, there are couples you are totally on board with, and there are couples that make you want to jump ship (over the shark, of course). Friends reference ftw? Well, at least we have current couples for you to choose from…
As you should know by now after
Check out the nominees below for Best Couple, Oddest Couple, and Love Triangle You're So Over, and use the mighty power of the Internet to anoint the next recipients of the Golden Tater. And don't worry, we know that robots can be sneaky little ninjas when it comes to these polls. We've got it covered, there will be no cheating in these awards! Scroll down and click away!
click here to Voting Now for
Cristina & Owen, Grey's Anatomy
*Love Triangle You're So Over
Cristina/Owen/Teddy, Grey's Anatomy
Remember! Tomorrow we'll post the nominees for Favorite Funnygirl and Favorite Funnyguy. There's still time to get your nominations in. You know where to go: