My best KMK moment, by far, was receiving an autographed photo! Awesome! cardsfan
I've had the chance to participate in group chats with Kevin. Always nice to know he's on the other side of the computer screen. Reading our silliness and being such a great sport about it. Ruralstar
Best moment definitely the Skype chat with Kevin. He is funny, smart and so down to earth and unaffected by the Hollywood bug.. and always gives smart and insightful answers for the questions you have. Trinity
The SKYPE chat and when Kevin joined in here were such fun! He is so kind to answer our questions and just talk with us. It makes being his fan and part of this board very special! Milee

GA moment: last episode for Season 7, first one for season 8. Musical episode (cause we got to hear a fantastic Chasing Cars and enjoy a great visual (ahem) on Running on Sunshine LOL and ... Chief Hunt!!! Betinad
As others have said, Owen in the s7 finale of GA. Sadly, there has been very little to care about in s8. Kevin's work remains stellar for what little we see of him. Yes I loved him singing "Chasing Cars" with Sara Ramirez and Chandra Wilson. Amazing Ruralstar
Best GA moment I agree with others, season 7 finale and hearing him singing in the musical episode... because he made a cover sound better than the original version. Trinity
his singing on the musical episode and the endinging scrub room scene in 8.09 where Owen is comforting Cristina. There was no sound coming from the interaction, but the acting made the scene!! GreysGirly
Also Kevin directing 2 full Grey's episodes! The care he puts into that showed through two of the better episodes in season 7 and 8 so far. It makes you proud to support him because he always strives to do his best whether in acting or his new venture of directing. Milee
As for his work on Greys Anatomy, I really appreciated his musical talent in 7.18. As for his acting performances, I liked them all, but I would also like to highlight the SF. It was brilliant how he portrayed Owen who would not give up to fight for his marriage and the baby, too. I also immensely enjoyed his performances in 7.16 and 7.21
This season his portrayal of Owen is constantly striking. His directorial achievements are also worth admiration. Tania

"Find your WOO!!!" OMG I laughed so hard when I first heard kevin's Hamish say that in Great Ghost Rescue. Cute movie and I really loved Kevin playing to a younger audience for a change. I hope he had a good time making the film. It gave my girls and I a giggle or three that's for sure. Ruralstar
Also enjoyed him tremendously in Bunraku.. He's so good as Killer no. 2 and just makes you root for the evilest villain..Trinity

Another amazing charity action for STC: have to say that I am very proud of the work we have done as a team and as part of his fan base on how we step up to contribute and get an amazing amount of money for the kids! Betinad
I really admire his charity work. Tania
Kevin being invited as an honorary Guest and Presenter at the PenFed Gala for his portrayal of a character suffering with PTSD and his work with Habitat for Heroes Leanne

Best moment(s) for me would be that he's willing to talk to his fans on twitter and even share his photos with us Greysgirly
Kevin joining twitter as part of raising money and promoting awareness for Save the Children was a definite highlight. He is so thoughtful and funny. Nothing beats when he replies to you or one of his C/O fanboy/spoiler tweets! Milee
I'm glad Kevin is on Twitter, as I'm so thrilled that he shares things with us, his fans.
Another great moment was Kevin´s decision to join the twitter. It gives us a lot of insight into his life as well as some positive CO thoughts we would not get otherwise.