As Season 10 (and the 6th for our favorite character Owen Hunt) approaches, I’m sure we all have our own looooong lists of things we are dying to see written for Owen. (Hey, many of us have enough to fill up 5 seasons of a Cristina/Owen spinoff!) So here’s some food for thought to get the ball rolling on things we’d like to happen for the perfect match for our other awesome and badass favorite character, Cristina Yang. There’s a comment section at the end for you to add yours!
1. More Owen and Cristina TOGETHER! Enough arguing, enough boring separation. The only desirable, entertaining and remotely logical possibility assuming both Cristina and Owen are working at Mercy Death, is resolution in favor of Owen and Cristina being together. (Owen wouldn't be able to stay where his heart was broken daily so let’s get on with the togetherness.) The show has clearly and carefully established over the past 5 years that Owen will never love anyone other than Cristina (and vice verse.) Owen has chosen Cristina every season, twice a season. This couple have been through ALL of the trials by fire. What makes this show electric and what is really exciting is the prospect of a triumphant Cristina and Owen making it through and taking on the world together as a badass team. That’s where your ratings will come from ABC!
2. More logic on the child issue. This didn't need to be an issue but it was made one with a bizarre accidental pregnancy in S7. But it’s well-established that Owen can’t be happy apart from Cristina. And, I argue, if Cristina doesn't want to be the mother of a child who is part of both her and the love of her life, she’s not going to magically feel that way about an adopted kid (no matter how adorable.) Let Owen’s choice for C stand. HOWEVER, Cristina STILL not having her tubes tied knowing birth control doesn't work for her is highly significant (can’t wait for Owen to ask the elephant-in-the-room question about why she didn't and still hasn't) and means that the door is open logic-wise for the wonderfully complex, brave, badass Cristina to undergo further self-discovery about the many possibilities for her life with Owen. Didn't this show say something about change being the only constant?
3. More mentoring. We all loved, and miss, the original Owen/Alex mentorship and were warming up to the Owen/George mentorship when it, too was taken from us. Unfortunately, the Owen/April dynamic is simply not interesting due to the basic natures of their characters and cannot be forced to be so. Alex could still be an interesting mentee (not necessarily in the trauma
realm, but in the general professional sense and being a man sense.) An intriguing possibility could be Owen being something of a professional mentor to – go with me a minute – Meredith (remember, we've been told Meredith and Cristina and Jackson and April are all the same age.) Meredith and Owen? Now THAT could be twisted!
5. More Cristina/Owen convos. No one needs endless Izzie-like speeches from Cristina and Owen, but the complexities of their relationship and the difficult storylines given them do require more time (even if it’s just wordless together-time) than the average Grey's coffee or pudding cup discussion (I’m not kidding, the abortion discussion was the length of a pudding cup discussion.) These two actors are electric together and whether the convos are funny or serious or heartbreaking, every single one of them is worth watching and needed to develop a well rounded picture of C/O’s life together.
6. More moms! Owen’s mother lives 6 miles away and she has spoken exactly 1 word on this show in 5 years – not even an onscreen wedding appearance. Was Owen’s mom sitting in a room eating a lonely bowl of gruel while O/C yucked it up at MerDer’s Christmas dinner with the people he sees every day for 16 hours a day? And Cristina may not be close with her mother, but not meeting Owen's in 5 years? There are too many exciting possibilities for the Cristina/Owen’s mom or Owen/Cristina’s mom scenes to be ignored any longer!
7. More music! No NOT another music event – enjoyed the one-off experiment, but that should stay a one-off. But Owen the character does play and sing if the Season 6 webisode is “real” Greys’ land and surely there could be a few natural opportunities here and there. To think that in 5 years, Cristina has never witnessed Owen playing his guitar is not believable! Only she-who-shall-not-be-named got that privilege at the Christmas party? At least it could serve to freak out the interns who discover the sensitive musician below the pig-stabbing exterior!
8. More shirtless home improvement projects! (Kevin if you happen to see this look away for a minute.) In Season 7 we were cruelly teased with the prospect of a badass firehouse in need of LOTS of home improvement. Was I the only one having delicious visions of shirtless Owen sledgehammering a wall? And then suddenly, everything in the home was fixed with not so much as the strapping on of a toolbelt. We’ve been robbed and Cristina and Owen’s new home better need some sexy improvements!
keep an eye out tomorrow for the next 8 points...
By Karen S
Images (Fan Art) by @KENDRAfan and @COGreysLover