''It's curious, I don't know how men in Italy behave, but the Scots generally don’t waste much time thinking, "should I be with this girl or with the other?" They decide and say to the girl "Hey you, let's go" - the actor, guest at RomaFictionFest, explains smiling - "but I understand that the public finds it captivating.''
He'd like to have a good chat with his character, a surgeon who arrived at "Seattle Grace" (where the event is set) after a traumatic experience serving on the front lines in Iraq: "I'd tell him to be more of a man". The actor, who worked on the series "Rome", is a great lover of the city (''I lived here two and a half years and I miss it every day''), he explains that he prepared himself for the role in "Grey's Anatomy" with a trauma surgeon who served in Iraq.
What do you think the secret of the series is? "The fact that there are excellent writers, able to keep the quality so high, after many seasons''. The seventh season, will start in the USA in September. ''The greatest difficulty -he says- was joining a cast that had worked together for so long, but everyone welcomed me very well".
And the fact that he had already shot a movie with Patrick Dempsey (one of the historical leaders of the series) helped. "He guaranteed that I was a good guy'', he jokes.