Highland Games Season is upon us ...
Full 2011 programme of Highland Games across Scotland ~ link
Highland Games, which take place from Cowal to Tomintoul and all points in between, are a unique mix of the sporting, the cultural and the social. They usually comprise a programme of field and track events, piping and Highland dancing competitions and 'heavy events' like the tug-o-war, the hammer throw and tossing the caber. read more here
Caber tossing : The caber is a tapered wooden pole, typical length 19 feet 6 inches (5.94 m) tall and weighs 175 pounds (79 kg).. records of the modern game can be traced back to at least the turn of the nineteenth century.
The origins of Caber tossing are not really known however it is believed it might have been developed as a way for foresters to get there logs down to a river.
Contrary to popular belief its not how far you throw the caber but style. There is an imaginary clock on the floor in front of the thrower the idea is to throw the caber from the 6'oclock position, with the heaviest portion landing in the centre of the clock and finishing off by landing with the narrow point facing the 12'oclock position. The winner is also judged by style of throwing, that is stance and steps, as well as strength, balance and agility.
reference Wiki ~ qivmg.com ~ Wiki ~ ancientsites.com
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