We first saw him say good morning to Amelia who we'd already heard trying to decide what, if anything, was going on between her and Owen. Next we saw him again trying to get her attention in a room full of surgeons kibbitzing about Bailey's performance in her first day as Chief of Surgery while trying to plan a cross departmental surgery. She was yet again shifty as she tried to avoid his searching gaze. His attempt at asking her a question lead to more teenagery mumbling and shrugging on her part.
The next person we saw doing some teenagery muttering was Owen himself as he queried a quarantined April about what Amelia's avoidance techniques might mean for their friendship / relationship. (I guess this is what show creator Shonda Rhimes meant when she said this season would be 'lighter.') Next we saw these two characters getting into the same elevator, a place in which so many conversations have happened on this show. Amelia had to stop running and listen to Owen who asked her directly what was going on with her. While she admitted to being confused before she again began dithering, Owen stood there with an amused smile. His response was to move closer to her and start up the smooching again. Tough to know what this means for these two characters going forward, though I hope for more than adolescent shenanigans for Owen's arc this season.
Elsewhere in the hospital: Bailey made mistakes and some good decisions in her first day as Chief of Surgery; Richard gave Bailey some mentorly advice that switched up her approach to her new role; Jo acquired herself an admirer; Callie enthused about her new girlfriend; Meredith was given a new gig at Bailey's request; April was quarantined with a sketchy skin rash which didn't stop her from trying to talk to Jackson; a patient with a pituitary tumor brought the team together while also providing some drama; Jo found herself lacking and irked in comparing herself to her friend Stephanie's work performance; Alex gave Jo some work advice; and Arizona found herself squeamish about the details of Callie's new dating situation.