The episode began with the big red herring of Jackson showing up late at the church in a tuxedo while April's voiceover addressed how the parts of a trauma added up to a whole lot of pain. When the bride turned around and it was someone we'd never met before we were meant to gasp. We later learned the bride was named Tatiana, that she'd been Jackson's patient for several years and that he was now walking her down the aisle at her own wedding.
That wedding was the opposite story anchor to the repeated scenes of April and Jackson at a table with lawyers and divorce papers in front of them. We waited through an hour's worth of flashbacks, which included former surgeons Mark Sloan, Cristina Yang, and Charles Percy, and a further fleshing out of scenes we never saw, to learn how they'd gotten to this point. We saw April and Jackson fight their way through painful therapy and not so private moments at work where their arguments crossed over into the hospital. It was through those workplace scenes that we got our one flash of Owen this week in a brief trauma room scene with Jackson.
After a very intense hour, what we learned was that April and Jackson's differences, and sometimes inability to compromise or communicate with each other, was exacerbated by the loss of their son and they never quite found their way back. Viewers were reminded, in typical Grey's style, however, that signed divorce papers are never quite the end of the story. We were meant to gasp again when April turned down Arizona's offer of a post lawyer's office drink because it turned out she was once again pregnant. I'm guessing the will they or won't they of April and Jackson's relationship will continue as the rollercoaster it's been for the rest of the season.