The main focus of Owen's reappearance seemed to be a step forward in the storyline of his Missing In Action ister Megan disguised as a further test to his marriage with Amelia. Unfortunately, we had to wait a while to hear what message was delivered by the two army personnel who showed up on Owen's doorstep as he got ready for work. Considering one of them was a chaplain, we knew it wasn't going to be any kind of good news. Viewers were meant to be inside Owen's shock, as instead of hearing the news as it was delivered in that opening scene, we heard him walk through the hospital shrouded in a static-laden buzz that seemed to indicate Owen's shattered attempt at processing what had happened.
Owen's abrupt behavior surprised April as she attempted to treat a choking infant in the Emergency Room. His hard slaps on the infant's back dislodged the coin on which she'd choked and got us to, of course, Amelia performing the neurological consult he gruffly recommended before stepping away. This gave her a perfect excuse to find Owen, clearly freaked out, in an exam room to deliver the parents' request to speak to him further. In another stalemate move on the Owen and Amelia chess board, rather than investigate why he seemed so off his game, she simply got irritated and left the room after delivering the message.
When he caught up to the baby's parents and the mother thanked him with a tearful hug for saving her child's life, Owen fled from the emotional closeness and hid out in another empty exam room. This time Amelia followed him and asked what was going on. Oh, and just in case this story wasn't complicated enough, this was just after she finished encouraging Meredith again to move forward with Nathan. Owen finally choked out that he had news about Megan, and, wait for it...she's alive! While I'm grateful Owen has a storyline and that, perhaps, he and Amelia might, just might, remember how to talk to each other, it's distressing how his story looped us back to Meredith's story in a typical Grey's house of cards. Are we destined to see Meredith on the dark and twisty road again? Let's hope not, but since this is Grey's, that might be a vain hope.
Soon we saw Amelia take charge as Owen began to crumble under the weight of the situation. While the two of them were at Meredith's house trying to track down information on whether or not it was indeed Megan who was being transported to an Army hospital in Germany, we soon saw allusions to Owen's past, parts of which were news to Amelia. After Teddy, former Seattle surgeon who served overseas with Owen, Megan, and Nathan, confirmed that Owen's sister had been found, Amelia set about having her transferred to Seattle. She was also smart enough to call in the leading expert in PTSD to help Owen deal with the guilt he soon showed us at having moved on with his life while his sister had been held hostage for nearly 10 years.
Once Meredith arrived home with the kids the rest of the story was set into motion as Amelia related the truth of Megan's reappearance. Meredith then took it upon herself to return to the hospital so as to share this news with Nathan. And wouldn't you know it, just as Meredith got out of her car a fiery explosion shook the hospital. Guess next week must be the season finale, huh?
Elsewhere in the hospital: Meredith and Nathan woke up together and Maggie noticed their coziness at work; Alex tracked down Jo's husband, a fellow doctor, with likely to be disastrous results given his imaginings of what might happen when he confronted him; Richard approved Stephanie's return to work after a short round of therapy; Arizona and Eliza woke up together so they seemed to be going strong; two patients of the week came in unconscious and partially disrobed after a car crash; Jackson and Maggie continued to bond; Eliza put Stephanie on scut duty monitoring the male patient in the car accident who grew creepy and combative as it came to light he'd tried to rape the woman in the car; the hospital went into lockdown as they tried to find him after he took Stephanie hostage in an attempt to escape; and that's where that explosion came from as he tried to set a fire to get the doors to unlock again and, with Stephanie's assistance, ended up setting himself aflame.