screencaps by @Caterina_Online

Owen and Amelia continued bickering this week, though it took them a while to get to the topic at hand. As they stepped into work they argued about their different approaches to truck maintenance, the only benefit of which was that they quickly ran into Alex, who continued to be the only one who understood Amelia's verbal shorthand given her unexpected confession to him last week about her inner conflict about starting a family with Owen.
As usual on Grey's, Owen and Amelia's inability to communicate was exacerbated by both of them attempting to treat the same trauma patient. This time it wasn't just the patient who provided the anvil for these two surgeons, as their patient's wife also got in on that act. While the patient and his wife disagreed about a different topic - home maintenance - the message about different approaches and the bad results they can sometimes create underlined the un-discussed distance growing between Owen and Amelia.
Owen asserted he had to take the patient into surgery first while Amelia swore she needed to evaluate him for a potential spinal fracture before any surgery took place. They were so caught up in their need to argue that neither Stephanie's presence nor that of Bailey's new hospital consultant could get either of them to back down.
The fact that they hadn't talked about their central conflict - how each of them felt about Amelia's negative pregnancy test of two episodes ago - made them both prickly around each other. At the same time, they took turns trying to restart the clock with Owen going first and stopping by at day's end to offer her a ride home. Their argument ramped up quickly as Amelia loudly stated her intent to stay at work to watch over their patient, upon whom she would operate in the morning. Owen suggested Stephanie could monitor the patient overnight but when that attempt at reaching out to Amelia failed he chose to exit rather than belabor the point. Even as she seemed sad that he gave up so quickly, Amelia still didn't know how to say what she needed to say to Owen.
The next morning brought, you guessed it, more loud arguments between Owen and Amelia. This time, their difference of opinion over her surgical approach resolved with Owen conceding that her plan was innovative. The much-discussed consultant inserted herself into the conversation and amused Amelia and Stephanie in the process. After a successful surgery, Amelia shared her patient's prognosis with his wife and got her next anvil, when his wife asked if she could stay the night with her husband at the hospital because she's grown to rely on his presence in her life, even when they argue.
Next it was Amelia's turn to try to move forward as now we saw her sidling up to Owen and asking for a ride home. Even though he claimed to have let their conflict go, Owen was quick to express his concern about Amelia's approach, this time, to their marriage. Here we got another timeline hint from Grey's writers when Owen exasperatedly announced his frustration that Amelia acted like nothing was wrong, even when she'd been avoiding him for the last two weeks by sleeping at the hospital. We learned about one of Owen's key fears here - that her avoidance of him and their home meant she was leaving him out of her thought process all together.
Faced with a decision, Amelia worked past her discomfort and finally forced out the words she's needed to say to Owen - that she doesn't want to have a baby. The shock on Owen's face segued quickly into Amelia showing up at Meredith's looking for a place to
stay, earning her another opportunity to bond with Alex.
Given the quick scene cut from Owen and Amelia's parking lot argument, we know nothing about what further discussion may have occurred between them. Many questions remain: Did Owen ask for more information? Did Amelia offer even part of the story of her first pregnancy which she shared with Alex last week? Did she decide on her own to stay at Meredith's house or did Owen walk away from her? It's disappointing, yet not surprising, that Owen and Amelia's conflict exploded in such a traumatic way considering we're only two episodes away from the mid-season finale.
Elsewhere in the hospital: a new surgical consultant, a la Season 9, turned the surgical service upside down; Richard felt blindsided by the consultant's arrival; the attendings began to freak out about what the residents were telling the consultant; Richard treated a patient along with Andrew, Maggie, and Leah; April started dating which made for humorous interactions with Jackson; Ben and Bailey continued to struggle with how to separate work from home; Maggie learned she'd like to be a better teacher and shared her revelation with Richard whose patient taught him to shift his own approach too; and it seemed the consultant might be super-interested in Arizona and looking to push Richard out of his job.