(beside girl in pony tails and behind girl in yellow sweater)
circa late 1970s
Original Photo Source: @wildebeast1 on Twitter
@duchovlet @KMcKOnline I so remember this photo being taken , same school as in @GreysABC bonus extra of me going home to Scotland
— Kevin McKidd (@TheRealKMcKidd) November 14, 2014
@duchovlet @KMcKOnline I life the crazy hair do on kid third in from right !#fingerinsockethair
— Kevin McKidd (@TheRealKMcKidd) November 14, 2014
@duchovlet @KMcKOnline and by the way, the stage we are posing in front of is the stage I did my first ever acting performance !
— Kevin McKidd (@TheRealKMcKidd) November 14, 2014