Location: Queen Margaret College Drama Department Studio 4
Circa: Spring 1992
Photographer: Alastair McKay
film SLR camera
These black and whites were taken in spring 1992 if memory serves. I took this picture when we were in our first year.
Once a week before lunch, the actors from all years would assemble in one of the rooms to hear the latest from the department heads. Usually about what the next plays were going to be, when your journals were to be handed in, (we had to keep journals for the first two years) what was on at the theatres. As usual there was never enough chairs in this room so some of us sat on the floor, like our Kevin here! ~ Alastair Mckay
Kevin advised us he would have been about 18/19 at the time
Thank you Alastair for sharing your photos and memories, a great trip down memory lane .
*All Photos belong and are copyright to Alastair McKay, do not re-post without his expressed permission