Kevin McKidd Holiday Project
Deadline: Friday, December 14th
Due to positive response, we are initiating a way for old friends and fans alike to send greetings to Kevin for the holidays. Those interested can send cards, letters, or emails in care of Kevin McKidd Online and we will ensure that Kevin receives for the Christmas holiday. Anything sent for Kevin will remain completely secure, unopened, and private. A group care package works well because it allows us to inform the proper channels about its arrival in advance and keeps management from having to sort things to determine between solicitation, requests for autographs and simply notes of support.
Names of all participants and their general location/organization will be included alongside a small gift for Kevin as well, so please make this clear on the envelope or subject line when participating, i.e. John McFall, MYT, Scotland. Each participant who provides a return mailing address will also receive a thank you from the admin here, arriving between late December and early January, to inform you that your contribution was received and included in the holiday package.
If you would like to participate, you can email here using the "Contact" Tab or mail to the address listed below. Please indicate "For Kevin" at the top of the Comment section on the form so that we will know to print for inclusion.
If you prefer, you can send via regular mail as well. Anything received after December 14th will not be included in the care package and promptly returned to sender. Please do not send anything suspicious, edible, or soliciting/advertising of any kind.
Thank you for your continued support of Kevin and the site!