We want to send VERY sincere thanks out to Kevin, who took time out of his busy schedule recently to personally visit the site and also let us know how much he loved the Christmas care package and ongoing support from all his fans! THANK YOU, Kevin! We've added a specific page just for Kevin's comments or updates in future. Also, if you registered on the Fan Forum message board, you received the actual note from Kevin via email a few days prior to us posting it for the general public. This is one of the many perks to registering with the site.
In the meantime, we've also done a little remodeling: in addition to Kevin's Space, we now have a Graphics page for Kevin McKidd Online art to use for promotional purposes. If you would like to contribute avatars, banners and the like to be used as "official" site icons, please let us know! We will be updating this frequently as time permits. You are also welcome to add or search for any Fan Art thru the Fan Forum message board as well. Please give proper credit if you use anything another fan has created.
As 2008 progresses, we will be transferring older news articles prior to 2007 to an Archives page searchable by project in order to make the News section easier to read. This is a change we'll incorporate based on readers' responses so thank you! Be sure to let us know if you would like to see other changes or updates to the site or have Kevin McKidd related news to share as well.
The best is yet to come....