SCOTS star Kevin McKidd is now a giant in Hollywood - playing a 40ft Greek god in his new action movie.
But he says the best part of his new role is the fact that his two young children can watch him on the big screen for the first time.
Kevin plays sea god Poseidon in the £100million family blockbuster Percy Jackson and the Olympians: The Lightning Thief, alongside Pierce Brosnan, Uma Thurman, Steve Coogan and Sean Bean
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He said: "My kids are really excited about Percy Jackson. They think it's going to be cool that they'll be able to see me in the cinema."
It's been 14 years since the Elgin-born actor shot to fame with Trainspotting but his kids haven't seen his films because he reckoned they were too violent.
Kevin's first big film was the Scottish movie Small Faces, where he played a razor-slashing Glasgow gang leader.
More recently he appeared in Hannibal Rising, about the origins of serial killer Hannibal Lecter.
Now his kids have started looking for projects that their dad could star in - and they can watch.
His son Joseph begged him to appear in Percy Jackson as the hero's long-lost dad, Poseidon.
Kevin said: "Joseph read the first book and he'd never seen anything I'd been in. He was right down my throat, telling me I had to do it."
Joseph and his sister Iona have also seen their dad become a star in Channel 5's Grey's Anatomy.
And they were delighted when Kevin got called up by Disney and asked to provide a voice in Pixar's Scottish animated movie, The Bear And The Bow, featuring Reece Witherspoon, Billy Connolly and Emma Thompson.
Kevin said: "Joseph just knows I'm doing a voice in a Pixar film. I haven't done the recordings yet so I'll know more in March when I start.
"I'm dead excited about it - and that I'm working with Billy Connolly."
Kevin's Poseidon appears in Percy Jackson And The Lightning Thief with the mighty Zeus (Bean), the wicked Hades (Coogan) and the other gods of ancient Olympus.
But the film has a thoroughly modern setting - and a dramatic entrance for Kevin. He appears in the first scene marching out of the Hudson River and into present-day Manhattan.
He said: "The thing I found hardest was walking out of the water. You can't just look like you're going down the paper shop.
"I was supposed to be 40ft tall so I had to look as if my bones were much bigger and give a sense of momentum.
"I thought I'd be done by lunch but it took two days."
Kevin, who was in three series of TV hit Rome as Lucius Vorenus, joked: "It was nice to get back in a skirt - it was like coming home."
Poseidon watches over his son Percy but has been forbidden from meeting or trying to make contact with him - while his kid is unaware of his dad and his special powers.
It's been a rollercoaster career for Kevin who, as a jobbing actor, dressed up as a spook to work on the Edinburgh ghost tours. After his Trainspotting role, he was unemployed and had money worries.
He admits he failed to take advantage of his big break in the hit film - and even missed appearing on the iconic poster because he was on holiday.
Kevin said: "I didn't have the confidence to come out to LA. Everybody said I should but I knew it wasn't my time.
"I had a tough few years working in bars and on building sites to make ends meet."
At another point, with no work, a baby on the way and a demand for a massive tax bill, he worked as a motorbike courier instead of taking easy acting jobs - because they failed to meet his standards.
Kevin added: "People said I should do ads or daytime soaps but I felt I'd rather work on building sites.
"I'd started so well that I didn't mind doing menial jobs. I wasn't going to let my standards go as far as my dreams to be an actor were concerned."
Despite his success in other films and Rome, two years ago Kevin was facing another period of unemployment.
After the hit TV show, Kevin and Jane, his wife of 10 years, uprooted their family from Britain to LA so he could appear in a science fiction series called Journeyman.
But the show, about a time-travelling journalist, never caught on with viewers.
His family were packing their bags when Kevin was offered a small role in the TV hospital drama Grey's Anatomy.
The part of Iraq war veteran Dr Owen Hunt was only supposed to feature in six episodes. But Kevin was such a hit he's now a permanent member of the team.
He said: "It's weird joining a show like this. But I thought if I am good with a sword, I'll be good with a scalpel."
Now his supporters include his Percy Jackson co-star Coogan, who said: "I'm a big admirer of Kevin's work."
His female fans, such as Sharon Stone, are said to love Kevin's blond good looks on the hit show.
The hunk has come a long way from his childhood in Elgin, Moray, when Kevin says he was a non-sporty "fat little kid".
Since then, he's learned to love the gym and has developed a broad-shouldered, buff physique.
He said: "My job requires me to look a certain way so it's important I eat well.
"I never diet but I control portions and stick with lean protein. I'm always up for a whisky on ice or beer though".
Kevin still returns to Scotland several times a year, most recently to shoot One Night In Emergency for BBC Scotland.
But for now he seems set to stay in LA - and try to keep his kids from developing strong American accents.
Besides being busy with Grey's Anatomy, it seems likely Kevin will appear in a movie version of Rome planned for later this year - despite Lucius dying in the final scenes of the TV show.
His way with a sword, an impressive set of abs and a swagger even when kitted out in an ancient costume has led to comparisons with Gerard Butler, another Scot who got a career boost from a toga.
He said: "Rome were looking for a rough, Scottish actor in Hollywood. They probably couldn't get Gerard Butler so they got the No 2 Gerard Butler - me!"
Kevin says he is very excited about starring in Rome The Movie and will do it "providing the script is good - and Gerard isn't available".