As previously revealed, "Grey's Anatomy" actor Kevin McKidd will shortly
be partnering once again with Kevin McKidd Online (KMKO) to raise
life-saving money to help children in need.
Through the KMKO "Tough Giving Challenge", fans and
the general public will be encouraged to dig deep and go to the
extreme to raise money for Save the Children -
just as Kevin will be doing when he participates in the Tough Mudder NorCal
event on September 18, 2011.
Kevin and KMKO have previously worked together to raise money for
needy children in Haiti. This time, the focus will be on East Africa
where close to 11 million children and families are
currently suffering the effects of the worst drought in 60 years.
By completing Tough Mudder, Kevin hopes to raise awareness and funds
to bring some measure of relief to the children of East Africa. Tough
Mudder is not your average endurance challenge. It's
an obstacle course designed by British Special Forces that tests all around
strength, stamina, mental grit, and camaraderie while encouraging
charitable giving. We will shortly be revealing how you can support
Kevin in this challenge and give to Save the Children's East Africa
Campaign no matter where you are in the world.
The "Tough Giving Challenge" is Kevin's call to action.
He's challenging himself and his fans to dig deep.
More specific details on how to play your part, as well as a link to
Kevin's donation page, will be announced soon! Keep watching