I tried to translate it in English ~ Vanessa (submitted via Contact page)
thank you so much Vanessa for sharing this article with KMKonline

Dr. Hunt fought in Iraq. What do you think of that war?
<To play the role I have met many people who have really been there. Everyone answered me they went to protect dearest people, not for a political ideology. I'm part of an association that sends refreshments to the front to make soldiers feel less alone. But being a person in the public eye I don't feel to say if war has been right or wrong>.
You have played in Trainspotting, Rome, Grey's Anatomy, Journeyman. Which of these characters you feel closer to?
<Right Dr. Hunt because he tries to do his job well and always to be a good person. I'm myself a person who works hard, but certanly not perfect>.
What do you watch on tv?
<I adore The Simpsons. And dark commedies>.