Grey's Anatomy's Megan Hunt: 8 Actresses Who Could Play Owen's Sis
By Andy Patrick / April 1 2016, 10:51 AM PDT
Does anybody believe that Grey’s Anatomy ISN’T planning to end Season 12 by revealing that — surprise! — Owen’s presumed-dead sister, Megan, is really alive? No one? You there, in the back? No? Yeah, that’s what we thought. And for the record, we’re right there with you, as sure that she’s gonna turn up with a pulse as we are that (sadly) Derek isn’t gonna.
So, as Shonda Rhimes & Co. contemplate casting, we’ve decided to be helpful by compiling a list of kickass actresses that we think — on second thought, make that know — could fill the key role.
Scroll through the gallery to check out our picks — including alumni of everything from Buffy the Vampire Slayer to General Hospital — then hit the comments with your suggestions to play Nathan’s lost love.
FULL GALLERY & SOURCE: http://tvline.com/2016/04/01/greys-anatomys-season-13-megan-hunt-owens-sister-cast/