Tell us your story how did you help support and spread the word about the Speyside Sessions Album. Send us a photo of you in your t-shirt, a video of you bobbing to the tune's or how you spread the word and enter into our draw to be a part of a Skype Session with Kevin McKidd.
Only one winner for this competition. The Skype Session is not transferable to anyone other than the person who has won. It can not be transferred to any other give a ways or for monetary value. Please supply proof in the form of, screencaps, photos or video's to increase your chances. Specific date and time for chat to be determined by Kevin McKidd and his schedule. Winner is solely responsible for having all necessary software and any and all other means to participate in chat. Chat is subject to moderation by KevinMcKiddOnline.com. Not open to Kevinmckiddonline staff or Speyside sessioners. Winner is selected by using random.org. All entries in by the 1st August 12.
Please send in your entries via our Contact Us Page