Thank you once again, we look forward to the next 3 years and hope that you will continue on this journey with us.
With heartfelt thanks, Team McKidd
We, at KMKOnline, would like to thank you all for your kind words, comments and best wishes on our 3rd anniversary and for helping us to celebrate this important moment in our site's short life. We've had a fantastic week of celebrations, culminating in our anniversary chat on 24 October 2010 at which we were joined not only by a large group of dedicated members and supporters but also by Kevin himself, which was an extra special treat for all involved.
Thank you once again, we look forward to the next 3 years and hope that you will continue on this journey with us. With heartfelt thanks, Team McKidd
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Thanks once again to all our members for there on going support and to those who visit the Kevin McKidd Online website regularly. We would also like to extend a special thank you to Kevin McKidd for all his support and assistance. If you are not following us already please come join us, you will find us on... We always love to hear from Kevin's Fans so If you have questions for us or for Kevin, photos, articles or stories you would like to submit or want to share about your interactions with Kevin past or present, please contact us via the contact page. We will certainly try our best to assist you with your requests. Or alternatively leave Kevin a message via the Messages to Kevin guest book For Journalists and Casting agents please note Kevin's Contact information can be found on IMDbPro Contact: View agent and manager contact info on IMDbPro. An Alternative contact Address for Autograph requests or For Fan Mail write to:
Kevin McKidd William Morris Agency (WMA-LA) One William Morris Pl Beverly Hills CA 90212,USA of course we love Comments to the articles we post so please share your thoughts click here for the RSS feed to the updates page For more information on how to continue your support for Save The Children Haiti please view our Charity page once again many thanks for your support Team McKidd ![]() We are very happy to report that our expectations have been exceeded and we have successfully topped our second charity goal! Kevin McKidd Online has now officially raised $5,517.68 for Save the Children and Haiti earthquake relief!! CONGRATULATIONS to everyone involved. This is quite an accomplishment. Kevin's fans are the best and this proves it once again Duchovlet KMKonline Charity Events Team (EBay) Message of thanks from Kevin Wow! Over 5500!! That is amazing - feel humbled by all this support and generosity- all these funds are making a huge difference .. So thankyou ! Thankyou thankyou .. Kev xx Wow! A whole year; time does go by fast when you are having fun! And it's really been a great year; our forum has grown from strength to strength and we are happy to say that we have a nice number of permanent members. All of you have contributed to the development of the forum and in even the site itself. I thank our current members --you know who you are ;-) --for their on-going support. It's been great getting to know you all and I look forward to even more fun during the year that follows. For those of you who are not members YET, please pop around and join us on the boards. We are an international community of like-minded people that are supportive of Kevin and into celebrating his talent. Plus you will be the first to know all the latest news, to get the first offers on merchandise and join in all the fun. A huge thanks to Kat for all her hard work on the site and Kevin especially because, without him, we would not exist... We're officially 1 year old and what a year it's been! Kevin McKidd Online went from one mini-site featuring news and articles on Kevin to a full-blown fan site, thanks to our viewers and Kevin's interaction! When we started out, it was to offer others background information on Kevin—the sort of insightful biography and film articles that took us wading through hundreds of different sources to pull together. We tried to weed out all the critiques and get to the nitty-gritty, the real articles about Kevin, ones with substance and credibility. We did the dirty work so that others in future wouldn't have to. We went from 4 pages of information and a few photos to needing full section menus and a gallery hub to contain it all. We didn't start with a fan forum, but we received so many positive emails that we built it and you came; a chat room soon followed. We branched out from this site to three or four different mediums, taking on Myspace, Facebook, Youtube, and Zoopy videos as well. Thank you to the volunteers who participate or lend their expertise at all these sites; you're amazing. Without using ads and special gimmicks to increase traffic to the site, KMK Online quickly ranked third on Kevin-related Google searches and is linked on IMDB. Wow. We're proud of that since we aren't after making money or distracting you with a lot of flash—we're simply here to promote Kevin and give his fans another place to call home. Kevin's popularity keeps advancing and we're so excited to help spread the word about how cool he is. And he definitely is. But you already know that; it's what keeps you coming back to visit. He's the kind of guy that inspires you to try acting or to petition big networks to keep him on television or even to ask us for a Kevin-centric tour of Scotland in the future. If there's anything you, the fans, have taught me personally this year, it's that anything is possible…. Thank you for that and for sticking around. We're going to keep getting better, keep taking fan suggestions, keep growing…. If we can do so much in the 1st year, imagine the possibilities in our 2nd. Thanks to Kevin for another update while on location in Bucharest! We got the info from Kevin about this new project before IMDB had any details on the cast and future film! |
This official site (KMKO) is affiliated with and endorsed by Kevin McKidd but it is not run by Kevin, his family, or management. Team McKidd operates the site and, in cooperation with Kevin, organizes charity events, Q&A chats, autograph requests, contests, giveaways, etc. Team McKidd members volunteer their time, and donate other resources, to manage the site and KMKO social media daily. Fan mail and autograph information can be found on the Contact Us page. See this list of Official Kevin McKidd Links. |
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