NOTE: Grey's Anatomy 1401 & 1402 aired as the 2-hour season 14 premiere

Grey's Anatomy returned in a big way this week with two hours that picked up right where the previous season set us down. Not only will Owen Hunt fans be pleased with the high-profile storyline at which he's the center - his long-thought deceased sister returned from being held hostage in Iraq - but we also got to see more of Kevin McKidd's directorial flair in the season opener's second hour.
We met Megan and saw that she's smart and funny and prepared to prank her brother Owen practically before she was off the helicopter used to transport her to McChord AFB near Seattle. And since she's inadvertently stepped into a Grey's triangle, it seemed a good plan that she was also willing to take baby steps when it came to reacquainting herself with Nathan. And, of course, while both men took leave from work to be fully involved in Megan's care, Amelia seemed freaked out by all the potential Hunt family bonding that was to come and retreated into surgeon mode. Meanwhile, Meredith became Megan's surgeon and all around favorite person, even though she was bound to find out that Meredith was also the 'significant' person Nathan has been seeing. And if that weren't enough family drama, it seemed Megan planned to return to Iraq as soon as possible because, wait for it, she planned to go back for the child she adopted while being held hostage. Yep, it's complicated.
Once Meredith began the testing required to take Megan into surgery, Owen found himself on the wrong end of his sister's questioning about Nathan's relationship status. Both he and Meredith wisely kept their mouths shut and focused on the medicine. Nathan meanwhile, expressed his concerns to Meredith about her role in Megan's care. Meredith, a la Amelia, assured him she was fine thank you and that he should let her do her job. Oh, and speaking of romantic entanglements, when Megan asked why Meredith was on a first name basis with her mom, she learned the surprising information that Owen had been married twice during his time in Seattle. But at least this time relationship gossip got us to Megan telling Owen to put his guilt at not searching harder for her in his back pocket and to get on with the work of living instead.
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