Thanks to Duchovlet (one of the members of our Charity Events Team) for this personal review on our "Save The Children Haiti" Charity Initiative ... Haiti / Save the Children Charity Wrap-Up Wrap-up by Duchovlet | KMKonline Charity Events Team Congratulations! We are happy to announce that, with the support of Kevin fans worldwide, Kevin McKidd Online has raised $5,535.56 for Save the Children and their emergency response for Haiti earthquake relief! This is truly fantastic and we wish to extend our sincere thanks once again to everyone involved - especially to those who bid, bought, donated online, made a corporate match, or simply helped promote the event thru Tweets, Facebook, websites, blogs, forums, or other word-of-mouth. Our first fundraiser would not have been a success without each and every one of you. Kevin’s fans continue to surprise and amaze us! We launched the project on February 28th, setting an initial goal of $5,000. By the beginning of April we had reached that mark and Kevin McKidd Online was even named one of the month’s Top 25 eBay Giving Works Donors. Your generosity, however, did not stop there. As our eBay auctions wound down we set a modest new goal of $5,500. By mid-June we knew we would surpass that too! The money has been tallied and, as of this month, we can report that all funds to date have been successfully processed and received by Save the Children from the various donation sources. Approximately 50% of funds raised came from eBay auctions, 40% from FirstGiving online donations, and 10% from corporate matches and other sources, including our online shop. Over 60 people actively participated in the event and 34 different USA zip codes, France, Italy, UK, Canada, Scotland, and Australia were represented. It wasn’t just regular KMKonline visitors and forum members who tuned in though. Approximately 1/3 of all donors, and 70% of eBay bidders, were unknown to us. It’s great to know we attracted new individuals and other Kevin fans with our efforts! Several people worked behind the scenes, or provided other assistance, to ensure that our event proved successful and things ran smoothly. Thanks to Jane Berliner at Save the Children, the staff at FirstGiving, plus Cara and Maria at WKTPR. Thanks to Mike McQuain for helping out in a pinch and answering questions when we were momentarily HTML challenged. Great appreciation and heartfelt thanks is also extended to all fellow Team McKidd members who so willingly and freely gave of their time in organizing this event. Most importantly, we would like to extend a HUGE THANKS TO KEVIN himself for his trust in us, donation of fabulous items, and allowing us to hold the event. We were honored to organize and conduct the fundraiser and look forward to future projects. As always, you’re the best! ON A PERSONAL NOTE: I want to thank Kevin for helping spark activism in my now 4-year-old niece, Emma. Always caring, kind-of-heart, and inquisitive, Emma saw Kevin’s video on my laptop and, as most kids do at that age, she started asking lots of questions. We talked about Haiti's children, what had happened to them, and what their current needs might be. On her own, Emma continued to bring the subject up on an almost daily basis. (Out of the blue, she still brings it up.) She was, and still is, bound and determined to do something. She even insisted that we let her fly to Haiti so she could bring the children her toys since they had lost theirs. By May, we convinced Emma that money would do greater good at the moment and decided on a bake sale instead. Fifty pepperoni rolls, multiple muffins, and several dozen cookies later, Emma had raised over $140.00 in a day for Haiti’s children! (The girl can really turn on the charm and hawk muffins.) Besides my own sense of purpose, the value and knowledge in helping others, and the great friends I have made, I am proudest of how this project has inspired Emma. To instill such drive and compassion in a mind so young – and to know that that trait will be carried with Emma for life - is wonderful. I will always be profoundly grateful to Kevin for the seed he helped plant. It doesn’t take a great actor to do this. It takes a great man and human being. Please visit the Charity Page to learn more about our Haiti / Save the Children project and get more information on the latest progress being made in the field. GREY’S ANATOMY – “Can’t Fight Biology” – Things are hostile on all fronts when a visit to the obstetrician results in some disturbing news for Meredith and Derek, and Lexie loses it when she notices Meredith and April getting closer. Meanwhile a car crash brings in multiple traumas and Jackson tries using his physical attributes to get ahead in the operating room, while Cristina’s self-doubt carries outside of the hospital and into her house hunting with Owen, on “Grey’s Anatomy,” THURSDAY, OCTOBER 14 (9:00-10:01 p.m., ET) on the ABC Television Network. (ABC/ADAM TAYLOR) KEVIN MCKIDD, SANDRA OH
buddy tv Slide show Imges ABC Medianet Destription Spoiler TV Love Kevin....Love Sandra.....Love Cristina and Owen !!!
I thought I would share the Love with you guys : ) Hope you like it !!! SweeeeetP : ) many thanks to sweeeetp ( who sent this video clip in via our Contact page ET's Samantha Harris is surrounded by some of the hottest men on television -- Patrick Dempsey (Derek Shepherd), Eric Dane (Mark Sloan), Jesse Williams (Jackson Avery) and Kevin McKidd (Owen Hunt) -- when she visits the set of "Grey's Anatomy" for the new season premiere.
Following the traumatic events of the May finale -- a crazed gunman shot and killed several of the hospital staff in his quest to take Derek's life in retribution for the death of his wife at the surgeon's hands -- Dr. Perkins (James Tupper), a trauma counselor, is brought in to help in the recovery and to assess each doctor's readiness to return to work. And Derek, who was shot and survived as a result of emergency heart surgery done by Cristina (Sandra Oh), makes a spontaneous decision to resign as Chief and rushes back into surgery. Patrick tells Samantha that his reaction on reading in the script that he was shot was: "I thought I was off the show quite honestly. Look at a couple of years ago what happened here." There is also going to be a surprise wedding on the season premiere when Owen and Cristina get married. Owen, of course, was torn between Cristina and Teddy (Kim Raver) until Cristina's life was in jeopardy. Then as Kevin says, " He made a definite choice by the end…" But that doesn't mean that "Grey's Anatomy" will be without a love triangle. There is still the unresolved, romantic goings-on between Mark, Lexie (Chyler Leigh) and Alex (Justin Chambers). So what does Eric think about Mark's chances of getting the girl? " If [Alex] dies," he tells Samantha. The new season of "Grey's Anatomy" premieres Thursday, Sept. 23 at 9 p.m. on ABC. source Grey's Anatomy Season 7 premiere tonight! This is the right time for a romantic video... :-)
Video: Grey's Anatomy, Season 5 - 6 Music: Andrew Belle Song: Open Your Eyes Kevspa thank you Kevspa for your lovely video (you tube channel Kevspaga) Tonight you are cordially invited by ABC to attend the Wedding of Owen and Cristina .... :-)
and we at KMKonline would love to know what you thought so please come join us in our next chatroom session and chat about the wedding and all that happens in the Premiere this .... Sunday 26 September GMT21:00/8pm C U there Need to figure out GMT 21:00 in your local time Register and Log on to our Forum, click the chat button on the main menu All chats are conducted in English Kevin McKidd does not participate in KMKonline Chats Grey's Anatomy There's a new entanglement on Grey's Anatomy this season, and it's not a romantic one. Following the events of the finale, Owen (Kevin McKidd) — who has gone through, and is still living with, PTSD — will become a soundboard for many of the doctors, but none moreso than Derek (Patrick Dempsey), whose near-death experience will send him into a fit of recklessness. "Everybody deals with [the shooting] in a different way," McKidd says. "Some people go into a shell, some people become very extroverted." In Derek's case, he becomes a speed-demon on the road. "He comes back just not willing to put up with the bullsh--," Dempsey says. "He's much more into enjoying his life now and not compromising that." "Owen quietly has his eye on Derek," McKidd says. "If Owen was asked, he would think it's a good thing that Derek gave up the reigns of being the Chief. I think Owen, as the season goes on, will be a rock for Derek and a sounding board. Derek was the closest to death, so he has more wounds than anyone to get through." In turn, Derek will provide support in the marital department. "Owen comes to Derek for advice," McKidd says. "Even though he's married to Cristina (Sandra Oh) now, he still doesn't quite understand her a lot of the time, so Owen and Derek seem to end up connecting on that subject." One good thing to come out of the traumatic events of the finale is that Meredith (Ellen Pompeo) will respect Owen in a different way. "Cristina has expressed to her that there needs to be a 'me and Owen,'" Pompeo says. "So I think Meredith knows that Cristina really does need that." "You'd expect Meredith to be very much against this pairing, but [the finale] changed her perspective on a lot of things," McKidd adds. "She basically questioned Owen's intentions in Season 6, and in that moment in the O.R. [in the finale], it suddenly made her realize the situation and how Owen really feels." "Meredith very much becomes an advocate for Owen being the right guy for Cristina," he continues. "She realizes they're meant for each other and that's the first time we've seen that." source |
This official site (KMKO) is affiliated with and endorsed by Kevin McKidd but it is not run by Kevin, his family, or management. Team McKidd operates the site and, in cooperation with Kevin, organizes charity events, Q&A chats, autograph requests, contests, giveaways, etc. Team McKidd members volunteer their time, and donate other resources, to manage the site and KMKO social media daily. Fan mail and autograph information can be found on the Contact Us page. See this list of Official Kevin McKidd Links. |
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