Owen's medical anvil of the week involved a woman who, along with her now deceased husband, attempted to literally wall herself off from society. She turned up at the hospital unresponsive and hopelessly wrapped up in razor wire which had been attached to the wall around her home. In case you didn't catch that, this case was all about the thing that you wrap around yourself for protection becoming the thing that actually might kill you. And that case was assigned to Owen, a man whose wife ran away from home rather than talk to him in order to protect herself from facing her past traumas.
In this deeply symbolic medical case we got a return of Owen and Nathan working alongside each other in the operating room. And in that working together Owen showed us he's willing to do things a little differently. When Nathan referenced Amelia's absence from the hospital, rather than simply brush it off, even though he tried to initially, Owen let his friend into his personal concerns. As Owen took the big step of admitting Amelia had fled their marriage, he also expressed his inability to figure out what to do, saying that he couldn't imagine running after her and forcing Amelia to return home if she didn't want to be there with him.
As his patient woke up, Owen learned the reason for her injuries and got some insight into the way to approach things with Amelia. His patient explained that the the barriers from the world that she and her husband thought would protect them now just seemed like an empty cage without him. Initially, she said she couldn't work up the courage to break free of those barriers until one day she took the risk of literally tearing down her walls, an act for which she seemed grateful even though it cost her one of her legs and landed her in the hospital. As she patted Owen's arm and thanked him for helping her, viewers began to wonder if he could take this vulnerable approach to Amelia and apply it to their marriage.
By the end of the episode we saw Owen standing outside of Stephanie's apartment, appealing to Amelia to make a choice other than to barricade herself away from him in an attempt to protect herself. And here we saw Owen trying on some more new behavior. While he stated his intent to be there for her when she was ready to open the door, he also made it clear he wouldn't wait forever.
Elsewhere in the hospital: We learned that Andrew appealed to the courts on Alex's behalf; Jo continued to overwork to avoid her personal life; Meredith got suspended for being unwilling to work with Eliza; Catherine showed up to provide Bailey some back up with hiring Eliza while also grimacing at what she knows it will do to Richard, her husband; Maggie's mom showed up for an unexpected visit and a plastics consult, which turned up a breast cancer diagnosis and exposed a rift in their relationship; Ben brought hospital news to Bailey who realized how out of the loop she'd become; the surgeons bickered about how to fight Eliza's presence at the hospital in light of Meredith's suspension; April got herself into trouble with Catherine; Maggie, in typical Maggie style, babbled in the elevator to Nathan and in the lounge to her mom; Alex got his job back in a fairly anticlimactic way; Bailey continued to defend her actions without explaining them, not even to Eliza; Arizona bickered with Eliza about her abrasive style; Andrew outed his feelings for Jo while having it out with Alex; April was named interim chief of general surgery; Richard realized Catherine backed Miranda's decision to bring in Eliza; Jo reached out to Alex; the residents held a brief strategy session; and Eliza hit on Arizona who mostly seemed not interested.